Honey, Honey

Honey honey, how he thrills me, a-ha, honey honey
Honey honey, nearly kills me, a-ha, honey honey
I've heard about him before
I wanted to know some more
And now I know what they mean, he's a love machine
Oh, he makes me dizzy

Honey honey, let me feel it, a-ha, honey honey
Honey honey, don't conceal it, a-ha, honey honey
The way that you kiss good night
The way that you kiss good night
The way that you hold me tight
The way that you hold me tight
I feel like I wanna sing
When you do your thing

Honey honey, touch me, baby, ah-hah, honey honey
Honey honey, hold me, baby, ah-hah, honey honey
Look like a movie star
(Look like a movie star)
I know just who you are
(I know just who you are)
Honey, to say the least, you're a dog-gone beast

Honey honey, how you thrill me, ah-hah, honey honey
Honey honey, nearly kill me, ah-hah, honey honey
I'd heard about you before
I wanted to know some more
And now I'm about to see
What you mean to me

lylics/honey_honey.txt · 마지막 수정: 2017/10/12 13:48 작성자 grinbee
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